Selasa, 15 Juni 2010

ebook militer - Junkers Ju 88 (Warpaint Series No. 07)

Pembom medium jerman !!
Baca beginian serasa back to 80' dech.

Junkers Ju 88 (Warpaint Series No. 07) by Jerry Scutts
Hall Park Books | 2004 | ASIN: N/A | English | 32 Pages | PDF | 51,8 MB

Senin, 24 Mei 2010

War Built Destroyers O-Z Classes (Ensign 6)

War Built Destroyers O-Z Classes (Ensign 6)

War Built Destroyers O-Z Classes (Ensign 6)
Bivouac Books Ltd | 1976 | ISBN: 0856800104 | English | 47 Pages | PDF | 43 MB




Hood : Design and Construction (Ensign 7 Special)

Hood : Design and Construction (Ensign 7 Special)

Battlecruiser !!! namanya aja ud keren..
Entah kenapa yach kayaknya seru aja liat kapal perang lengkap dengan senjatanya yg gede-gede !! *meskipun sebenarnya pada saat diresmikan bertugas kapal perang sudah mulai ketinggalan jaman*

Battlecruiser hood ini ngetop karena terbelah dua setelah ditembak ama kapal perang jerman Bismarck... hehehehe.. tragis memang.

Buku seri ensign ini bagus buat yg suka kapal perang.


Hood : Design and Construction (Ensign 7 Special)
Bivouac Books Ltd | 1975 | ISBN: 0856800090 | English | 67 Pages | PDF | 76,3 MB




Kalo males donlod / internet lelet.. pesen aja ke ane yach.. dijamin puas.

senapan serbu MP38 dan MP40

Samopal M.P.38 a MP40

Samopal M.P.38 a MP40
Elka Press | 2008 | ISBN: 8087057025 | Czech | 161 Pages | PDF | 57,4 MB

Buku ini berkaitan dengan munculnya senjata tipe senapan mesin seperti membayar hanya pengembangan senapan mesin Jerman, mereka adalah senjata ikonik Dunia II Perang senapan mesin MP 38 dan 40 MP, dikenal dengan julukan gaul "Schmeisser". Penulis buku ini memperkenalkan pembaca secara rinci semua aspek dari penciptaan, produksi dan penggunaan senjata api ini populer. mitos banyak membantah dan setengah kebenaran yang berpengalaman, secara menyeluruh meneliti masalah kepengarangan dari desain, menangani masalah jumlah unit yang diproduksi. pistol Tommy membandingkan M.P. 38 dan 40 dari mitra kontemporer, mengidentifikasi kekuatan dan situs lemah, semua umumnya diilustrasikan dengan dokumen kontemporer dan kutipan.




Man O'War 2 - 'V' and 'W' Class_Destroyers

Man O'War 2 - 'V' and 'W' Class_Destroyers

Destroyer kelas V dan kelas W. Dua destroyer akhir perang dunia I

Man O'War 2 - 'V' and 'W' Class_Destroyers
Arms & Armour Press | 1979 | ISBN: 085368233X | English | 54 Pages | PDF | 75 MB




Technology of Tanks (Volumes 1-2)


Teknologi tank dari awal yg nggak bisa nanjak, or abis perang musti langsung ganti rante/track.

Sampe teknologi terkini, yg nembaknya pake zoom pake thermal imager, rante anti ranjau dsb.

Richard M. Ogorkiewicz - Technology of Tanks (Volumes 1-2)
Jane's Information Group | 1991 | ISBN: 0710605951 | 438 pages | PDF | 9.04 MB

A specialist on armoured vehicles has produced this book on tank technology. Richard M. Ogorkiewicz examines the major aspects of tank design, from the ballistics of tank guns and fire control systems, tank engines, steering systems and suspensions to the various types of armour. He also examines the impact of guided missiles on tank development, different facets of mobility and cross country performance, and innovations such as electromagnetic and thermal guns and active armour. The technology of tanks is put into perspective by an outline of the evolution of tanks and an up-to-date review of their development throughout the world - from the USA and USSR through to new developments in Brazil and South Korea.

Black Fokker Leader


Bagusnya buku ini.. isinya cerita (teks) tentang pilot inggris di PD I. Jeleknya.. bukunya JPG alias ukurannya gede bener...!!

Peter Kilduff - Black Fokker Leader
Grub Street | 2009 | ISBN: 1906502285 | 200 pages | PDF | 140.96 MB

One of the most noteworthy German fighter pilots of World War I was Leutnant der Reserve Carl Degelow, whose squadron of mostly black Fokker D.VII fighters posed a formidable threat to some of Britain's most celebrated air units on the Western Front.
Degelow had a unique approach to aerial combat which fascinated the author, Peter Kilduff, so much that in 1979 he wrote Germany's Last Knight of the Air about his exploits, a book long out of print. During the intervening 30 years Kilduff has obtained new information and original photos, plus copies of significant German archival material and documentation which shed much new light on this legendary ace.
Black Fokker Leader is a completely new work with unpublished material about Degelow and his comrades - how he was almost court-martialled; how his career was saved by Carl Josef Jacobs; how Degelow helped Willy Rosenstein escape from Nazi Germany, and much more. Plus new insights into men like Field Marshal Erhard Milch, Degelow's wing commander in WWI; and V-2 rocket chief General Hans Jeschonnek, a Degelow protege in 1918.
Presented in the acclaimed author's objective, well-sourced manner, there will also be a wealth of British, French and Belgian documentation to counter-balance German claims.

US Army Aircraft Since 1947


Mulai dari tahun 1947 itu amerika serikat melakukan pengembangan pesawat lumayan gila-gilaan karena emang lagi perang dingin. Dimana Amerika dan blok soviet bersaing dalam hal teknologi.

Buku yg bagus karena pesawat-pesawat antara 1947 - 1980an jarang dibahas (karena emang gak ada perang besar tahun segituan.. cuma vietnam doank)

US Army Aircraft Since 1947
Specialty Press | 1990 | ISBN: 0933424531 | 273 pages | PDF | 110 MB

The Nieuport N.28C-I


Pesawat tempur pertama yang berperang di pihak amerika. (iya di perang dunia I tentunya)

Peter M. Bowers - The Nieuport N.28C-I
Profile Publications | 1966 | ASIN: B0007KCQO6 | 12 pages | PDF | 4.3 MB
Aircraft Profile Number 79

Each booklet in this series includes general history, specifications, technical data, photographs & colour profiles of the featured aircraft.

The P.Z.L. P-11


PZL P11. Pesawat tempur PD I milik Polandia selama perang dunia I. Benernya Polandia termasuk negara yg disegani secara militer sebelum PD II, tapi kenapa abis PD II jadi memble.. kemungkinan karena lokasinya antara Soviet dan Jerman. yach.

Witold Liss - The P.Z.L. P-11
Profile Publications | 1966 | ASIN: B0007K11II | 12 pages | PDF | 4.2 MB
Aircraft Profile Number 75

Each booklet in this series includes general history, specifications, technical data, photographs & colour profiles of the featured aircraft.

ebook militer - Japonskie krazowniki typu Mogami ( Okrety Swiata 04 )


Mogami "light cruiser"
Ngakunya sech light cruiser.. padahal heavy cruiser. Jepang sebelum perang dunia ke 2 adalah angkatan laut terkuat ke 3 setelah Inggris dan Jerman (amerika ke 4).

Mogami ini adalah (sebenarnya) heavy cruiser yg ikut bertempur di selat sunda, menenggelamkan kapal USS Houston.

Japonskie krazowniki typu Mogami ( Okrety Swiata 04 )

Wydawnictwo Okrety Wojenne | Polish | 1997 | ISBN: 8390227444 | 42 Pages | PDF | 53 MB





Wloskie pancerniki typu Vittorio Vento ( Okrety Swiata 02 )


Vittorio Vento kapal perang Italia yang berjaya di laut mediterania. Dinamakan atas nama kota Vittorio Vento dimana Itali mengalami kemenangan selama perang dunia I.

Wloskie pancerniki typu Vittorio Vento ( Okrety Swiata 02 )

Wydawnictwo Okrety Wojenne | Polish | 1996 | ISBN: 8390227428 | 49 Pages | PDF | 27 MB





Fledgling Eagles: Luftwaffe Training Aircraft 1933-1945


Well.. biarpun judulnya gak "garang" .. cuma ngebahas pesawat latih luftwaffe periode 1933-1945. Tapi buku seri Luftwaffe ini layak didonlod.

kenapa.. karena grafiknya kerennya (grafik = lukisan tangan). Warna-warninya bisa bikin kita menikmati buku serasa membaca komik zaman SD dulu.

Fledgling Eagles: Luftwaffe Training Aircraft 1933-1945

Classic Publications | 2010 | ISBN: 1906537054 | 97 Pages | PDF | 69 MB





Kalo males donlod.. pesen ke ane aja yach gan.. ada 50GB ebook bisa langsung dibaca.

The Mitsubishi Ki-46


Mitsubishi Ki-46.. aka.. Dinah.
Pesawat pengintai Jepang sebelum dan selama PD II. Kalo analogi jaman sekarangnya mirip2 SR-71 or U-2.
mengandalkan kecepatan untuk menghindari kejaran musuh selama misi mata-mata.

Well... sayangnya kekuatan militer jepang cuma awal-awalnya doank.. setelah setahun perang gak ada perkembangan lebih lanjut yg berarti.

R. J. Francillon - The Mitsubishi Ki-46
Profile Publications | 1966 | ASIN: B0014JCL7G | 12 pages | PDF | 4.09 MB
Aircraft Profile Number 82

Each booklet in this series includes general history, specifications, technical data, photographs & colour profiles of the featured aircraft.

KW vol.III (Wydawnictwo Militaria 320 )

Wydawnictwo Militaria 320

Militaria... majalah militer keluaran czechlovakia, tapi ada terjemahan inggrisnya.
Berisi foto-foto yg cukup bagus disertai caption-caption unik tentang perang dunia ke II di eropa.

Biarpun dijajah ama jerman.. tapi ceko agak netral ama jerman.. mungkin karena penjajahan Uni Soviet jauh lebih kejam daripada penjajahan jerman kali yach (kecuali bagi kaum Yahudi).

Seri favorit gua nich militaria.

KW vol.III (Wydawnictwo Militaria 320 )
Wydawnictwo Militaria | 2009 | ISBN: 8372193209 | Polish | 76 Pages | PDF | 22,5 MB

ebook militer - The Hawker Typhoon


Hawker typhoon.. pesawat tempur penghancur tank andalan Inggris... dengan rocket dan cannon 20cm menghancurkan kendaraan lapis baja jerman.

Well tepatnya kendaraan lapis baja tipis... kalo tank tiger begeto kena cannon 20 cm cuma ketawa ketiwi doank kali yah...

Francis K. Mason - The Hawker Typhoon
Profile Publications | 1966 | ASIN: B0007JGIH8 | 12 pages | PDF | 6.01 MB
Aircraft Profile Number 81

Each booklet in this series includes general history, specifications, technical data, photographs & colour profiles of the featured aircraft.

The Curtiss Hawk 75


Peter M. Bowers - The Curtiss Hawk 75
Profile Publications | 1966 | ASIN: B0007KCRKO | 12 pages | PDF | 11.67 MB
Aircraft Profile Number 80

Each booklet in this series includes general history, specifications, technical data, photographs & colour profiles of the featured aircraft.

Grumman F-14 Tomcat in combat (Great American Combat Aircraft)

Tomcat... saking kerennya ini pesawat.. sampe kagak diimport ama amerika.. (kecuali ke Iran)..

or saking mahalnya yach ?..

Well jawabannya ada di buku ini.

Grumman F-14 Tomcat in combat (Great American Combat Aircraft)

Grumman F-14 Tomcat in combat (Great American Combat Aircraft)
Histoire & Collections | 2008 | ISBN: 2352500735 | English | 84 Pages | PDF | 49,7 MB

The roots of the F-14 tomcat, one of the most respected fighter of the last few decades, can be found in the tradition of inter-service rivalry that exists between the U.S Air Force and U.S. Navy. Until the early 1960s, the vastly different technical and mission requirements of these two branches of the military had dictated the purchase of very dissimilar aircraft typed. The first F-14 was in the air within two years - the beginning of a spectacular success story known as the Tomcat...




Males donlod... internet lelet ? ... pesen aja ke ane boss.. ada puluhan giga ebook siap dipesen.

British Military Aircraft of World War One

Buku jadul.. mengenai pesawat.. yg lebih jadul lagi... cocok buat dibaca siang2 hari minggu.. sambil mengenang indah-nya masa kecil. (saat buku beginian harganya super mahal banget !!!.... yach.. kira2.. 200x-nya harga petasan banting!)..

kekekeke...kalo donlod sendiri sech gak terlalu recomended yach. kecuali emang demen banget pesawat capung.

buat nostalgia.. ok dech.

British Military Aircraft of World War One (RAF Museum series Volume 4)

British Military Aircraft of World War One: The official technical and rigging notes for RFC and RNAS fighting and training aeroplanes, 1914-1918 (RAF Museum series Volume 4)
Hippocrene Books | 1976 | ISBN: 088254408X | English | 302 Pages | PDF | 99,9 MB




Males donlod.. pesen aja ke ane yach.. trims..

Selasa, 18 Mei 2010

Ebook militer - Osprey Campaign 200 - Operation Downfall To Hiroshima & Nagasaki

Operation Downfall To Hiroshima & Nagasaki

Osprey Campaign 200 : Operation Downfall To Hiroshima & Nagasaki

Language: english
Format: pdf
Size: 37 MB


ebook militer - Elite 166, The Bay of Pigs: Cuba 1961

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Invasi tp gak surprise dan gak didukung air superiority... yach begini lah.
invasi yg gagal total karena kalah intelegen.

Elite 166, The Bay of Pigs: Cuba 1961
Author: Alejandro de Quesada, Illustrated by: Stephen Walsh
Osprey Publishing | January 20, 2009 | ISBN-10: 1846033233 | 64 Pages
| PDF | 8.8 MB

Osprey Publishing Description:
The landings by the Cuban exile Assault Brigade 2506 at the Bay of
Pigs on April 17, 1961 led to three days of savage but unequal combat.
Before they even sailed for Cuba, a White House decision had condemned
them to constant attacks by Castro's air force, which sank two of
their ships loaded with vital supplies and equipment. Despite stubborn
resistance to Castro's troops and tanks, and heroic sorties by Cuban
and American B-26 pilots, the Brigade was strangled for lack of
firepower and ammunition. Their story is illustrated with rare photos
from Brigade veterans, and detailed color plates of the uniforms and
insignia of both sides.

"Quesada provides all of this information in an easy-to-read format.
He includes several photographs from private collections that have
never been seen by the public. Also, illustrator Stephen Walsh
includes some excellent illustrations that show the uniforms,
insignia, and weapons of the combatants and some battle scenes... This
book gives an excellent overview of the men who tried and failed to
overthrow Fidel Castro in 1961."


Jumat, 14 Mei 2010

ebook militer - SAS Survival Guide

ebook militer begini paling enak dibaca kalo lagi nganggur2 di tengah
hutan.. well... kalo lagi dines di tengah hutan tepatnya..

SAS Survival Guide

Kamis, 13 Mei 2010

Jual paket ebook militer modeling - aviation

Mareee.. mareee... buat yg demen model pesawat !!

Air Modeller Issue 01.pdf
Air Modeller Issue 05.pdf


Panorama - Oesterreichisches Modellbaumagazin 2009-2.pdf
Panorama - Oesterreichisches Modellbaumagazin 2009-3.pdf

Scale Aviation Modeller International 1999-01.pdf
Scale Aviation Modeller International 1999-04.pdf
Scale Aviation Modeller International 1999-05.pdf
Scale Aviation Modeller International 1999-06.pdf
Scale Aviation Modeller International 1999-07.pdf
Scale Aviation Modeller International 1999-09.pdf
Scale Aviation Modeller International 1999-10.pdf
Scale Aviation Modeller International 1999-11.pdf
Scale Aviation Modeller International 2000-01.pdf
Scale Aviation Modeller International 2000-02.pdf
Scale Aviation Modeller International 2000-03.pdf
Scale Aviation Modeller International 2000-04.pdf
Scale Aviation Modeller International 2000-05.pdf
Scale Aviation Modeller International 2000-06.pdf
Scale Aviation Modeller International 2000-07.pdf
Scale Aviation Modeller International 2000-08.pdf
Scale Aviation Modeller International 2000-09.pdf
Scale Aviation Modeller International 2000-10.pdf
Scale Aviation Modeller International 2000-11.pdf
Scale Aviation Modeller International 2000-12.pdf
Scale Aviation Modeller International 2001-01.rar
Scale Aviation Modeller International 2001-02.rar
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Scale Aviation Modeller International 2002-01.pdf
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Scale Aviation Modeller International 2002-04.pdf
Scale Aviation Modeller International 2002-05.pdf
Scale Aviation Modeller International 2002-06.pdf
Scale Aviation Modeller International 2002-07.pdf
Scale Aviation Modeller International 2002-08.pdf
Scale Aviation Modeller International 2002-09.pdf
Scale Aviation Modeller International 2002-10.pdf
Scale Aviation Modeller International 2002-11.pdf
Scale Aviation Modeller International 2002-12.pdf
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Scale Aviation Modeller International 2003-03.pdf
Scale Aviation Modeller International 2003-04.pdf
Scale Aviation Modeller International 2003-06.pdf
Scale Aviation Modeller International 2003-07.pdf
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Scale Aviation Modeller International 2003-10.pdf
Scale Aviation Modeller International 2003-11.pdf
Scale Aviation Modeller International 2003-12.pdf

The Verlinden Way - Volume 5.pdf

Rabu, 12 Mei 2010

ebook militer - Rising Tide: The Untold Story Of The Russian Submarines That Fought The Cold War

Rising Tide: The Untold Story Of The Russian Submarines That Fought The Cold War
oleh: Gary E. Weir, Walter J. Boyne

ebook militer - M60 A3 (Warmachines No.3)

M60 A3 (Warmachines No.3)

M60 A3 (Warmachines No.3)
Verlinden Publications | 1990 | ISBN: 9070932210 | English | 38 Pages | PDF | 102,1 MB

The third installment of the WARMACHINES series, this edition covers in depth the M60 A3 "PATTON" Main Battle Tank of the U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps. Such features as the fighting compartment, driving compartment, powerplant, suspension, auxiliary equipment, armament, ammunition, stowage, add-on armor, and more are beautifully photographed and described in detail. A MUST for any military enthusiast, scale modeler, or historian.




ebook militer - Action Stations!: U-boat Warfare in the Clyde in Two World Wars

Action Stations

Action Stations!: U-boat Warfare in the Clyde in Two World Wars by Alastair Alexander
Neil Wilson | 2009 | ISBN: 1906476071 | English | 73 Pages | PDF | 15,9 MB

The Clyde has played a major part in warfare in the 20th century. Its most obvious contribution was as the main source of shipping which was supplied to the Royal Navy and the merchant navy. Many of its other stories are less familiar, not least the actual conflict that took place against German U-boats not far off the mainland. Alastair Alexander has dug deep into the war records, official collections and the museum archives to unearth a fascinating story of naval warfare on this great river and the west coast. Starting in 1914, he takes the reader through the First World War and the run up to the Second World War with detailed looks at the German U-boats that attempted to break the sea defences and sink British shipping. UC-27, UC-75, U-32, U-33 (sunk by HMS Gleaner in February 1940), U-218 are all detailed. He also list the losses to British shipping on the Clyde during both World Wars and gives a full account of HMS Gleaner's role in the U-33 incident. The Enigma decoding machine is also recalled and the special part that a salvage operation on a sunken German U-boat in the Clyde played in the role of that remarkable instrument. HMS Hood, RMS Queen Elizabeth and Admiral Karl Donitz also feature in this highly illustrated contribution to wartime history. The accessible layout, the previously unpublished photographs and the newly revealed historical information make this an essential read for naval historians, students and teachers alike.




ebook militer - The Vickers Viscount 700 (Profile Publications Number 72)


Kenneth Munson - The Vickers Viscount 700
Profile Publications | 1966 | ASIN: B0007KCQ14 | 16 pages | PDF | 14.53 MB
Aircraft Profile Number 72

Each booklet in this series includes general history, specifications, technical data, photographs & colour profiles of the featured aircraft.

ebook militer - Aircraft Performance (Cambridge Aerospace Series)


Aircraft Performance (Cambridge Aerospace Series) By W. Austyn Mair, David L. Birdsall
Publisher: Cambridge University Press 1996 | 324 Pages | ISBN: 0521568366 , 0521362644 | PDF | 11 MB

This book describes the principles and equations required for evaluating the performance of an aircraft. After introductory chapters on the atmosphere, basic flight theory, and drag, the book goes on to consider in detail the estimation of climbing performance, the relevant characteristics of power plants, takeoff and landing performance, range, and turning performance.


ebook militer - Fighter Aircraft of the 1914-1918 War


W. M. Lamberton - Fighter Aircraft of the 1914-1918 War
Harleyford Publications Limited | 1964 | ISBN: 083068350X | 225 pages | PDF | 71.5 MB

This book lists all fighter aircraft from the First World War. The listings are alphabetical by manufacturer. Each aircraft is afforded two pages: one has some phtos and an abbreviated history; the other is the standard three-view 1/72 scale drawings.

ebook militer - Warmachines No. 11 - Merkava MK2/MK3, Israeli Defense Force


Francois Verlinden - Merkava MK2/MK3, Israeli Defense Force
Verlinden Publications | 1992 | ISBN: 1930607032 | 26 pages | PDF | 7 MB
Warmachines No. 11

From a scale modeler's viewpoint, the book is a goldmine of information and inspiration. The photos are large, in color, and extremely vivid and clear, with new details popping out at you each time you look at them. Especially useful are the many views of the complex turret bustle rack with the "ball and chain" armor, and the often neglected turret top. The only area not covered at all is the bottom of the hull. The text is well-written and supports the photos very well. Most of the pages are dedicated to the Mk2 and Mk2B versions, with only a few covering the Mk3.

ebook militer- Brandenburg D.I (Great War Aircraft in Profile 2)

Brandenburg D.I

Brandenburg D.I (Great War Aircraft in Profile 2)
Flying Machines Press | 1997 | ISBN: 1891268015 | English | 77 Pages | PDF | 84,3 MB

The complete developmental, operational, and combat history of the great Hansa-Brandenburg D.I. Fighter




ebook militer - Dambusters in focus

Dambuster - Salah satu penemuan inovatif pasukan sekutu (yg jarang dibahas atas inovasinya). mengebom bendungan-bendungan penting di Jerman dengan bom yang bisa menggelinding.

ebook ini mengenang skuadron dambuster selama perang dunia ke II.


Dambusters: The Photographic Album of 617 Squadron at War 1943 -1945 (In Focus)
Red Kite | 2007 | ISBN: 0954620189 | English | 67*2 Pages | PDF | 51,8 MB

617 Squadron was formed in 1943 for a special mission to destroy the great Rhur Dams. Its exploits on the night of 16/17 May when two dams were successfully breached helped ensure that the 'Dambuster' squadron would be forever in the public conciousness. This book concentrates on the photographic coverage of the squadron from its formation in 1943 right through to its last wartime mission against Hitler's Eagle's Nest in May 1945. Personalities, raids and tactics are all featured in fact boxes to compliment the 250 plus original wartime photographs. All images are reproduced to the highest standards on high quality art paper as part of Red Kite's hugely popular 'In Focus' series. This book is a must for all Dambuster enthusiasts.




ebook militer - sturmgezucht and its variant.

Sturngeschutz & Its Variants

Sturmgezuchts... salah satu tank favorit jerman PD II. Well benernya bukan tank sech lebih tepatnya tank destroyer / assault gun. Tapi emang simple banget dan keren abisss..

di ebook ini dibahas semua variantnya.

Sturngeschutz & Its Variants: (The Spielberger German Armor & Military Vehicles Series, Vol II)
Schiffer Publishing | 1993 | ISBN: 0887403980 | English | 255 Pages | PDF | 121,4 MB

Known for its emphasis on detail, the Spielberger series shows in factory, test and combat photographs, and detailed line drawings, all production models, prototypes and modifications of specific armor and military vehicles. Volume II on the Sturmgeschutz assault guns, shows all short and long gun versions, as well as the various support vehicles of the Sturmartillerie.




ebook militer - Modelling the T-55 MBT

Ebook tentang tank russia (uni soviet).
Entah kenapa gua cinta banget ama tank-tank russia. Kemungkinan karena bentuknya semi-semi brutal (baca : tradisional).. jadi keliatannya lebih rugged (kasar). Meskipun ternyata secara practical kalah ama tank-tank negara barat.


Modelling the T-55 Main Battle Tank

Modelling the T-55 Main Battle Tank (Osprey Modelling 20)
Osprey Publishing | 2005 | ISBN: 1841769002 | English | 103 Pages | PDF | 55,8 MB

The T-55 tank first appeared in 1958, and its lineage stretches back to the wartime T-34 and the T-44. It served with many armed forces, including the Warsaw Pact countries, Afghanistan, Angola, Cambodia, China, Croatia, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Poland, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Vietnam, and Yugoslavia, and has seen action most recently in the two Gulf Wars. This title focuses on the basics of assembly and finishing, together with more advanced modelling projects using conversion kits and extensive scratchbuilding, covering both 1/35- and 1/72-scale versions.




Rabu, 05 Mei 2010

Hobby Japan 2010-06

Melenceng dikit... sebar2 racun

Hobby Japan 2010-06
Japanese | 137 Pages | PDF | 50,6 MB

ebook militer - Berlin 1945 - The Final Reckoning

Ebook militer yang membahas mengenai hari-hari terakhir - kekaisaran
Nazi (third reich).
Syukur dech nazi jatuh... gila banget tuch rezim.

Meskipun emang sech seragam dan perlengkapan perang-nya keren. Dan
sebagai negara kecil bisa naklukin (dan bikin sibuk) 2 negara besar
dan negara2 eropa lainnya sech.. emang pencapaian yg luar biasa sech.

Ud dech dibaca aja.

MBI - Berlin 1945 - The Final Reckoning
English, 178 pages, 79 mb, PDF/zip

Selasa, 04 Mei 2010

ebook militer - (Men-at-arms 250) Argentine Forces in the Falklands

ebook militer mengenai pasukan negara berkembang menghadapi negara
maju.... dan kalah.
Well sebenarnya kalah ama menangnya agak membingungkan karena Inggris
mengeluarkan sedemikian daya upaya hanya untuk satu pulau kecil yang
menghasilkan bulu domba (woll) doank.

Meskipun argentina juga babak belur juga.

Yach... enjoy aja dech... gak usah mikirin politik.

Argentine Forces in the Falklands (Men-at-arms 250) By Nicholas Van der Biji
Publisher: Os Publishing 1992 | 48 Pages | ISBN: 1855322277 | PDF | 15 MB

Contrary to some opinions expressed at the time, Argentine troops
deployed to the Falklands, and which engaged the British troops sent
to recapture the islands, were not largely 16-year-old conscripts but
experienced, well-trained troops. Certain "elite" units were also
deployed to the islands by the Argentinians including 601 and 602
Marine Commando Companies and 5th Marine Infantry Battalion. Although
plagued by bad relations between officers and men, the Argentine force
fought determinedly during many of the engagements of the Falklands
War and battles such as Goose Green and the assault on Mount
Tumbledown were bloody, hard-fought affairs. This book looks at the
arms, equipment and organization of the Argentine troops who captured
and attempted, unsuccessfully, to hold the Falkland Islands.

ebook militer - Claire Chennault: Flying Tiger

Claire Chennault: Flying Tiger (Famous Flyers) By Earle Rice
Publisher: Chelsea House Publications 2003 | 112 Pages | ISBN:
0791072177 | PDF | 3 MB

Profiles Claire Lee Chennault who, after retiring from the United
States Army Air Corps, volunteered as an advisor to Chiang Kai-Shek
and led both Chinese and American air troops against Japan during
World War II.

Minggu, 02 Mei 2010

ebook militer - Controlled Bombs and Guided Missiles of the World War II & Cold War Era

Ternyata jaman perang dunia ke II udah ada tuch yg namanya guided
missile. Mirip2 kamikaze-nya jepang, tapi gak pake orang gila mati
kayak jepang.

Cuma yach jamannya perang dunia ke II missile-nya masih bisa
di"jammed" ama musuh, jadi kurang efektif.

ebook militer ini membahas, bomb pintar di jaman perang dunia II dari
yang dikontrol ama remote control (RC) radio sampai bomb balistik
macam V2.

Controlled Bombs and Guided Missiles of the World War II & Cold War Era
2002 | pdf | English |ISBN 0768009138 | 25 MB

Sabtu, 01 Mei 2010

ebook militer - The Chance Vought F4U-I Corsair (Profile Publications Number 47)


J.F. Dial - The Chance Vought F4U-I Corsair
Profile Publications | 1965 | ASIN: B003BA4PFW | 12 pages | PDF | 11.05 MB
Aircraft Profile Number 47

Each booklet in this series includes general history, specifications, technical data, photographs & colour profiles of the featured aircraft.

ebook militer - Advanced Ship Modelling

Advanced Ship Modelling

Advanced Ship Modelling
Special Interest Model Books | 2005 | ISBN: 1854861972 | English | 66*2 Pages | PDF | 39,4 MB

ebook militer - The Nieuport 17 (Profile Publications Number 49)


C.F. Andrews - The Nieuport 17
Profile Publications | 1965 | ASIN: B0027W80Y2 | 12 pages | PDF | 5.74 MB
Aircraft Profile Number 49

Each booklet in this series includes general history, specifications, technical data, photographs & colour profiles of the featured aircraft.

ebook militer - The North American P-51D Mustang (Profile Publications Number 8)


Edward Shacklady - The North American P-51D Mustang
Profile Publications | 1965 | ASIN: B0038AYKNM | 12 pages | PDF | 3.98 MB
Aircraft Profile Number 8

Each booklet in this series includes general history, specifications, technical data, photographs & colour profiles of the featured aircraft.

ebook militer - Steel Bulwark: The Last Years of the German Panzerwaffe on the Eastern Front 1943-45. A Photographic History

Steel Bulwark

Bagus dech .. puas liat gambar2 dan keterangannya.

Steel Bulwark: The Last Years of the German Panzerwaffe on the Eastern Front 1943-45. A Photographic History
Hellion & Company | 2009 | ISBN: 1906033408 | English | 57*2 Pages | PDF | 36,9 MB

"Steel Bulwark: The Last Years of the German Panzerwaffe on the Eastern Front 1943-45" is a unique visual book providing the reader with a wide selection of rare and mostly unpublished photographs accompanied by in-depth captions. The images reveal the unfolding story of the last desperate years of the German Panzer forces - the Panzerwaffe - which had played a vital role in the military victories of the Nazis between 1939 and 1942. In the remaining years of the war it provided the backbone of Germany's defence. Although its strength was badly depleted following serious losses at Kursk in the summer weeks of July 1943, the Panzerwaffe remained committed on the battlefield in spite of the titanic struggles which took place. Throughout the last years of the war it demonstrated the German tank soldiers' superior tactical abilities and showed how they carefully utilized all available reserves and resources into building numerous variants that went into production and saw action on the battlefield. The photos portray how these formidable machines were adapted and up-gunned to face the ever-increasing enemy threat. Even when it was forced to withdraw towards the frontiers of the Reich under the constant hammer blows of enemy ground and air bombardments, it reveals how the Panzerwaffe played a decisive role in trying to stem the rout along the disintegrating front lines. The book is a captivating glimpse of a remarkable band of soldiers showing the evolution of their tactics and unmatched fighting vehicles. It reveals its successes and many of its defeats. Even during the last months of the war as the German Panzers withdrew ever further into their Homeland, it shows how units of the Panzerwaffe fought on to the grim death, hoping to hold back the superior weight of their enemy in order to win time and save their forces from ultimate destruction. The majority of the images are drawn from private collections and archives in Germany and Eastern Europe, and are previously unpublished.




ebook militer - Messerschmitt Bf 108 Taifun (Wydawnictwo Militaria 149 )


Terus terang ebook militer ini tidak gua rekomendasikan untuk pengamat militer amatir (seperti gua). Tapiiiii.... kalo emang tertarik ama pesawat kecil bermesin tunggal Nazi Jerman silahkan di donlod.

Bf 108 Taifun adalah pesawat penumpang kecil, tidak bersenjata. Biasa digunakan untuk mentransport personal VIP dari dan ke medan perang.

BTW : ini pesawat yg terlibat dalam Insiden Michelen.. itu tuch yg perwira jerman bawa rencana komplit Blitzkrieg ke negara rendah (benelux) trus nyasar trus mendarat di prancis. Trus ketangkep lagi ama pasukan sekutu !!

Messerschmitt Bf 108 Taifun (Wydawnictwo Militaria 149 )
Wydawnictwo Militaria | 2002 | ISBN: 8372191263 | Polish | 68 Pages | PDF | 34,3 MB

ebook militer - Yellowjackets!: The 361st Fighter Group in World War II (Schiffer Military History)


Yellowjackets! The Fighter 361 Grup dalam Perang Dunia II adalah narasi sejarah unit tempur yang melekat pada 8 Angkatan Udara AS di Eropa Theater Operasi dari Desember 1943 sampai akhir perang di Eropa.

Berdasarkan penelitian intensif dalam dokumen unit asli, wawancara sejarah lisan, dan memoir pilot dan personil darat.

jejak sejarah Fighter Group 361 (374, 375 dan 376 Fighter skuadron) dari pembentukan dan pelatihan pada tahun 1943, melalui partisipasi dalam setiap kampanye besar yang dilakukan oleh Angkatan Udara ke-8 di 1944-1945.

Lebih dari sejarah unit yang sempit, Yellowjackets! pengalaman personil Grup dalam perspektif dengan konteks yang lebih besar dari perang, dan juga menyajikan sisi manusia, berbicara, kadang-kadang, dari sudut pandang sangat pribadi dari pilot dan personil yang mengambil bagian dalam beberapa pertempuran udara paling ditentukan Perang Dunia Kedua.

Yellowjackets!: The 361st Fighter Group in World War II (Schiffer Military History) By Paul B. Cora
Publisher: Schiffer Publishing 2002 | 152 Pages | ISBN: 0764314661 | PDF | 56 MB

Yellowjackets! The 361st Fighter Group in World War II is a narrative history of a combat unit attached to the U.S. 8th Air Force in the European Theater of Operations from December 1943 through the end of the war in Europe.

ebook militer - Order of Battle: The Red Army in World War II


Order of Battle: The Red Army in World War II By David Porter
Publisher: Amber Books Ltd 2009 | 192 Pages | ISBN: 1906626529 | PDF | 45 MB

Tanpa Tentara Merah (atau Angkatan Darat Soviet) , kemungkinan bahwa Sekutu Barat akan butuh waktu lebih lama untuk mengalahkan Reich Ketiga - atau mereka bahkan mungkin kalah sama sekali.
Namun bahkan puluhan tahun setelah berakhirnya perang, sedikit banyak diketahui tentang organisasi ini raksasa yang jumlahnya jutaan tentara.
Dipecah oleh pertempuran kunci atau kampanye dalam setiap peperangan, Order of Battle: Angkatan Bersenjata Merah dalam Perang Dunia II menunjukkan kekuatan dan struktur organisasi kampanye pasukan darat Tentara Merah oleh kampanye, bangunan menjadi sebuah ringkasan informasi rinci.

Dengan diagram organisasi yang luas dan peta berwarna kampanye menunjukkan disposisi unit, Orde Pertempuran: Angkatan Bersenjata Merah dalam Perang Dunia II merupakan buku panduan yang mudah digunakan untuk Rusia, Polandia, Ceko dan unit dari negara lain yang berfungsi sebagai bagian dari tentara Stalin, kekuatan mereka selama kampanye kunci dan pertempuran, dan rincian di mana mereka melayani seluruh perang. Buku ini akan menjadi panduan referensi penting untuk setiap penggemar serius Perang Dunia II.

Jumat, 30 April 2010

Jual (repost) osprey elite series

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Osprey elite series
Informasi mendetail mengenai seragam dan pernak-pernik pasukan elite
sepanjang zaman. Setiap buku terdiri dari 64 halaman penuh info,
terdiri dari foto, diagram dan 12 halaman penuh artwork.

Books list:
001 - G.Ferguson - The Paras 1940-1984
002 - L.E.Russell - The US Marine Corps Since 1945
003 - I.Heath - The Vikings
004 - G.L.Rottman - US Army Special Forces 1952-84
005 - S.J.Zaloga - Soviet Bloc Elite Forces
006 - M.Windrow - French Foreign Legion Paratroops
007 - N.V.Secunda, A.McBride - The Ancient Greeks
008 - S.Katz, R.Volstad - Israeli Defense Forces Since 1973
009 - D.Nicolle, A.McBride - The Normans
010 - G.L.Rottman - Warsaw Pact Ground Forces
011 - J.-P.Pallud - Ardennes - 1944 Peiper and Skorzeny
012 - S.J.Zaloga - Inside the Soviet Army Today
013 - G.L.Rottman - US Army Rangers & LRRP Units 1942-87
014 - M.Chappell - British Army in the 1980s
015 - J.Tincey - The Armada Campaign 1588
016 - N.Thomas - Nato Armies Today
017 - C.Gravett - Knights at Tournament
018 - S.M.Katz - Israeli Elite Units since 1948
019 - D.Nicolle, R.Hook - The Crusades
020 - G.L.Rottman - Inside the U.S. Army Today
021 - I.Knight - The Zulus
022 - G.Rottman - World Special Forces Insignia
023 - A.J.Bryant, A.McBride - The Samurai
024 - M.Barthorp - The Old Contemptibles
025 - K.Roberts - Soldiers of the English Civil War 1 - Infantry
026 - S.J.Zaloga - Tank War-Central Front - NATO vs. Warsaw Pact
027 - R.Tincey - Soldiers of the English Civil War (2) - Cavalry
028 - C.Gravett - Medieval Siege Warfare
029 - G.Rottman - Vietnam Airborne
030 - D.Nicolle, A.McBride - Attila and the Nomad Hordes
031 - G.Rottman - US Army Airborne 1940-90
033 - K.Conboy - South-East Asian Special Forces
034 - G.Williamson - Afrikakorps 1941-43
035 - A.J.Bryant - Early Samurai AD 200-1500
036 - S.Hardin - The Texas Rangers
037 - G.Rottman - Panama 1989-90
038 - K.Conboy - The NVA and Viet Cong
039 - M.Healy - The Ancient Assyrians
040 - M.Healy - New Kingdom Egypt
041 - K.Conboy - Elite Forces of India and Pakistan
042 - N.Secunda, S.Chew - The Persian Army 560-330 BC
043 - C.D.Melson - Vietnam Marines 1965-73
045 - G.Rottman - Armies Of The Gulf War
046 - G.Rottman - US Army Air Force - 1
047 - R.Pitta - South African Special Forces
048 - P.Haythornthwaite, W.Younghusband - Nelson's Navy
049 - M.Chappell - The Gurkhas
050 - B.Rankov, R.Hook - The Praetorian Guard
051 - G.Rottman - US Army Air Force - 2
052 - I.Fletcher - Wellington's Foot Guards
053 - K.Bradley - International Brigades In Spain 1936-39
054 - R.Pitta - UN Forces 1948�C94
055 - C.D.Melson - Marine Recon 1940-90
056 - M.Chappell - Scottish Units in the World Wars
057 - N.van der Bijl - The Royal Marines 1939-93
058 - D.Nicolle - The Janissaries
059 - G.Rottman - US Marine Corps 1941-1945
060 - G.Williamson, D.Pavlovic - U-Boat Crews 1914-45
062 - R.Smith - American Civil War Zouaves
063 - G.Williamson - German Mountain and Ski Troops 1939-45
064 - M.Chappell - Army Commandos 1940-1945
065 - M.Chappell - Redcaps Britain's Military Police
066 - N.Secunda, R.Hook - The Spartan Army
067 - A.Konstam - Pirates 1660-1730
068 - M.Pegler - The Military Sniper Since 1914
069 - A.Konstam - Buccaneers 1620-1700
070 - A.Konstam - Elizabethan Sea Dogs 1560-1605
071 - M.Barthorp - Queen Victoria's Commanders
072 - P.Haythornthwaite - Napoleon's Commanders (I) - 1792-1809
073 - P.Katcher - American Civil War Commanders (1) - Union Leader in the East
074 - A.Konstam - Privateers & Pirates 1730-1830
076 - C.C.Jurado - The German Freikorps 1918-23
077 - I.Sumner - British Colours & Standards 1747-1881 (1) - Cavalry
078 - S.Bull - World War I Trench Warfare (1) 1914-16
079 - I.Sumner - The Royal Navy 1939-45
080 - M.Henry - The US Navy in World War II
081 - I.Sumner - British Colours & Standards 1747-1881 (2) - Infantry
082 - S.Turnbull - Samurai Heraldry
083 - P.Haythornthwaite - Napoleon's Commanders (2) - 1809-1815
084 - S.Bull - World War I Trench Warfare (2) 1916-18
085 - R.Hargis - US Commanders of World War II (1) - Army & USAAF
086 - G.Nila - Japanese Naval Aviation Uniforms and Equipment 1937-45
087 - J.Arnold - US Commanders of World War II (2) - Navy & USMC
090 - H.Sakaida - Heroines of the Soviet Union 1941-45
091 - R.Field - US Army Frontier Scouts 1840-1921
092 - R.Hargis, S.Sinton - World War II Medal of Honor Recipients (1).
Navy & USMC
093 - R.Chartrand - American War Of Independence Commanders
094 - P.Katcher - American Civil War Commanders (4) - Confederate
Leaders In The West
095 - R.Hargis, S.Sinton - World War II Medal of Honor Recipients (2).
Army & Air Corps
097 - R.Pawly - Kaiser's Warlords. German Commanders Of WW1
098 - I.Sumner - British Commanders of World War II
101 - D.Hollins - Austrian Commanders of the Napoleonic Wars 1792-1815
102 - R.Chartrand - Santa Anna's Mexican Army 1821-48
103 - K.Lyles - Vietnam ANZACz Australian & New Zealand Troops in
Vietnam 1962-72
104 - A.Price - Britain's Air Defences 1939-45
105 - S.Bull - World War II Infantry Tactics. Squad and Platoon
106 - B.C.Bell - Wehrmacht Combat Helmets 1933-45
107 - R.Field - Buffalo Soldiers 1866-91
108 - R.Chartrand - Spanish Guerrillas in the Peninsular War 1808-14
109 - M.J.Brayley - The British Home Front 1939-45
110 - K.Farrokh - Sassasinian Elite Cavalry AD 246-642
111 - H.Sakaida - Heroes of the Soviet Union 1941-45
112 - R.Field - American Civil War Marines 1861-65
113 - M.Bahmanyar - US Navy Seals
114 - G.Williamson - Knight's Cross and Oak-Leaves Recipients 1939-40
117 - G.L.Rottman - US World War II Amphibious Tactics
118 - G.Williamson - German Commanders of World War II (1) - Army
120 - A.Karasulas - Mounted Archers of the Steppe 600 BC - AD 1300
121 - D.B.Campbell - Ancient Siege Warfare - Persians, Greeks,
Carthaginians And Romans 546-146 BC
122 - S.Bull - World War II Infantry Tactics. Company and Battalion
123 - G.Williamson - Knight's Cross and Oak-Leaves Recipients 1941-45
124 - G.L.Rottman - World War II Infantry Anti-Tank Tactics
125 - S.Turnbull - Samurai Commanders (1) 940-1576
126 - D.B.Campbell - Siege Warfare in the Roman World. 146 BC - AD 378
127 - G.L.Rottman - Japanese Paratroop Forces of World War II
128 - S.Turnbull - Samurai Commanders (2). 1577-1638
132 - G.Williamson - German Commanders of World War II (2) Waffen-SS,
Luftwaffe & Navy
133 - G.Williamson - Knight's Cross, Oak-Leaves and Swords Recipients 1941-45
134 - R.Field - Buffalo Soldiers 1892-1918
135 - I.Sumner - German Air Forces 1914-18
136 - G.L.Rottman - World War II Airborne Warfare Tactics
138 - N.Thomas - The Yugoslav Wars (1) - Slovenia & Croatia 1991-95
139 - G.Williamson - Knight's Cross with Diamonds Recipients 1941-45
140 - J.D.Spencer - The American Civil War in the Indian Territory
141 - P.Jowett - Finland at War 1939-45
142 - N.var der Bijl - No.10 (Inter-Allied) Commando 1942-45
143 - B.Horn - Canadian Airborne Forces since 1942
145 - B.Werner - First Special Service Force 1942-44
146 - N.Thomas - The Yugoslav Wars (2) - Bosnia, Kosovo and Macedonia 1992-2001
148 - E.A.Schmidl - The Hungarian Revolution 1956
149 - S.Reid - The Scottish Jacobite Army 1745-46

Kamis, 29 April 2010

ebook militer - The Confederate Army 1861

Abang gua seneng banget ama pasukan confederasi amerika.
Guw pribadi sech biasa-biasa aja.
Yg bagus dari ebook militer ini selain dibahas seragam pasukan rakyat
(militia) texas dan lousiana. Juga dibahas kebiasaan hidupnya seperti
cara mereka tinggal (bivouvac) ama makanan sehari-hari selama perang.

Ron Field, The Confederate Army 1861 (3) Louisiana & Texas (Men at Arms 430)
Osprey Publishing | ISBN 9781846030314 | April 12 2006 | PDF | 48
Pages | 12,90 Mb

The common image of the Confederate Army during the Civil War is
dominated by a limited number of early photogaphs of troops wearing
the gray and butternut of the CS regulations and quartermaster issues.
By contrast, this book examines the uniforms of the Louisiana and
Texas militia and volunteer companies originally brought together in
the Confederate field armies; and the continuing efforts to clothe
them as wear-and-tear gradually reduced this wide range ofuniforms. A
mass of information from contemporary documents is illustraed with
rare photographs and meticulous color reconstructions.

Rabu, 28 April 2010

ebook militer - The British Army in World War I (2) The Western Front 1916

ebook militer tentang perang dunia I.
Buat sebagian orang gak seseru PD II sech. Tapi buat yg suka sejarah
(perang) sech.. ini perang yg brutal karena menghadapkan orang dengan
orang (bukan orang dengan tank seperti perang dunia ke 2)

Mike Chappell, The British Army in World War I (2) The Western Front
1916 (Men at Arms 402)
Osprey Publishing | ISBN 9781841764009 | January 1 2005 | PDF | 48
pages | 25,80 Mb

In 1916, Britain was finally forced to introduce universal
conscription to replace the terrible casualties suffered by the
pre-war Regulars, the Territorials and the eager but unprepared
volunteers of the 'New Armies'. In 1917 and 1918, the vastly expanded
British Expeditionary Force became the most effective of all the
combatant armies in France, its improved weapons and tactics forged in
the furnaces of the Somme and the Ypres Salient. Shaken but resilient
under Germany's last desperate offensive in spring 1918, it swept
forward to final victory. This second of three titles charts its
changing appearance in colourful detail

Selasa, 27 April 2010

ebook militer - The British Army in World War I (1) The Western Front 1914

Perang dunia I, the great war.. perang yang konon akan mengakhiri
perang di dunia ini.
Well.. sort of..
Termasuk perang terakhir dimana tentara dihadapkan dengan tentara..

Mike Chappell, The British Army in World War I (1) The Western Front
1914 (Men at Arms 391)
Osprey Publishing | ISBN 9781841763996 | September 25 2003 | PDF | 48
pages | 10,40 Mb

At the outbreak of World War I in August 1914 the British Army was
unique: it was a small force raised entirely by voluntary recruitment.
The first campaigns of the British Expeditionary Force brought
admiration from the enemy, but by the end of 1914 it had been
virtually eliminated. Kitchener's call for new volunteers drew such a
patriotic response that by mid-1916 the BEF had grown to 55 divisions.
This book explains and llustrates the uniform, equipment and
organization of the British Army up to the end of the battle of the

Senin, 26 April 2010

Sabtu, 24 April 2010

Jual (repost) ebook militer - osprey Warrior Series

<img src=">

Analisis tentang baju pelindung (armour), senjata, taktik dan motivasi
perang para pejuang sepanjang zaman. Setiap buku terdiri dari 48
halaman penuh berisi gambar-gambar teknik (cutaways), lukisan artis
(artwork) dan senjata-senjata dan perlengkapan para pejuang.

Books list:
001 - C.Gravett - Norman Knight 950-1204 AD
002 - B.Quarrie - Waffen-SS Soldier 1940-45
003 - M.Harrison, G.Embleton - Viking Hersir 793-1066 AD
004 - M.Pegler - US Cavalryman 1865-1890
005 - M.Harrison, G.Embleton - Anglo-Saxon Thegn 449-1066 AD
006 - I.Drury - Confederate Infantryman 1861-1865
007 - A.J.Bryant, A.McBride - Samurai 1550-1600
008 - P.Haythornthwaite - British Cavalryman 1792-1815
009 - S.Macdowall - Late Roman Infantryman 236-565 AD
010 - D.Nicolle, C.Hook - Saracen Faris 1050-1250 AD
011 - C.Bartlett, G.Embleton - English Longbowman 1330-1515
012 - I.Drury - German Stormtrooper 1914-1918
013 - P.Katcher - Union Cavalryman 1861-1865
014 - I.Knight - Zulu 1816-1906 - V2
015 - S.MacDowall - Late Roman Cavalryman AD 236-565
016 - M.Pegler - British Tommy 1914-1918
017 - S.Macdowall - Germanic Warrior 236-568 AD
018 - D.Nicolle, C.Hook - Knight Of Outremer 1187-1344 AD
019 - S.Reid - British Redcoat (1) 1749-1793
020 - S.Reid - British Redcoat (2) 1793-1815
021 - S.Reid - Highland Clansman 1689-1746
022 - P.Haythornthwaite - Imperial Guardsman 1799-1815
023 - C.Melson - US Marine Rifleman in Vietnam 1965-73
024 - D.Hollins - Austrian Grenadiers and Infantry 1788-1816
025 - D.Nicolle, C.Hook - Italian Militiaman 1260-1392
026 - C.Smith - US Paratrooper 1941-45
027 - N.Sekunda - Greek Hoplite 480-323 BC - Weapons, Armour, Tactics
028 - G.Rottman - Green Beret in Vietnam 1957-73
029 - S.Turnbull, H.Gerrard - Ashigaru 1467-1649. Weapons, Armour, Tactics
030 - S.Allen - Celtic Warrior 300 BC - AD 100
031 - J.Langellier - Union Infantryman 1861-65
032 - J.Pohl - Aztec Warrior AD 1325-1521
033 - D.Nicolle - Knight Hospitaller (1). 1100-1306
034 - P.Katcher - Confederate Artilleryman 1861-65
035 - C.Gravett - English Medieval Knight 1400-1500
036 - G.Williamson - Grey Wolf - U-Boat Crewman of World War II
037 - G.Williamson - German Seaman 1939-45
038 - B.Quarrie - Fallschirmjager - German Paratrooper 1935-45
039 - S.Wisdom - Gladiators 100 BC - AD 200
040 - J.Pohl - The Conquistador 1492-1550
041 - D.Nicolle - Knight Hospitaller (2). 1306-1565
042 - S.Reid - Redcoat Office 1740-1815
043 - K.Roberts - Matchlock Musketeer 1588-1688
044 - J.Tincey - Ironsides - English Cavalry 1588-1688
045 - R.S.Rush - US Infantryman in World War II (1) - Pacific area of
operations 1941-45
046 - G.Williamson - Panzer Crewman 1939-45
047 - P.Haythornthwaite - British Rifleman 1797-1815
048 - C.Gravett - English Medieval Knight 1200-1300
049 - J.Richards - Landsknecht Soldier 1486-1560
050 - P.Wagner - Pictish Warrior AD 297-841
051 - L.Spring - Russian Grenadiers and Infantry 1799-1815
052 - R.Hargis - US Naval Aviator 1941-45
053 - R.S.Rush - US Infantryman in World War II (2) - Mediterranean
Theater of Operation 1941-45
054 - P.Katcher - Confederate Cavalryman 1861-65
055 - O.Tagaya - Imperial Japanese Naval Aviator 1937-1945
057 - T.Crowdy - French Napoleonic Infantryman 1803-15
058 - C.Gravett - English Medieval Knight 1300-1400
059 - D.Westwood - German Infantryman (1) - 1933-40
060 - P.Katcher - Sharpshooters of the Civil War
061 - G.Williamson - German Security and Police Soldier 1939-45
062 - O.Schmidt - Prussian Regular Infantryman 1808-15
064 - S.Turnbull - Ninja AD 1460-1650
065 - M.Bahmanyar - US Army Ranger 1983-2002 - Sua Sponte - Of their own accord
066 - A.Jeffreys - British Infantryman in the Far East 1941-45
067 - L.Spring - The Cossacks 1799-1815
069 - M.Bahmanyar - Darby's Rangers 1942-45
070 - S.Turnbull - Japanese Warrior Monks 949-1603
071 - R.Cowan - Roman Legionary 58 BC - AD 69
072 - R.Cowan - Imperial Roman Legionary AD 161-284
073 - V.Vuksic - Tito's Partisans 1941-45
074 - G.Williamson - Gebirgsjager - German Mountain Trooper 1939-45
075 - D.V.Meed - Comanche 1800-74
076 - D.Westwood - German Infantryman (2) - Eastern Front 1941-43
078 - S.J.Zaloga - US Army Tank Crewman 1941-45. European Theater of
Operations 1944-45
079 - T.A.Hoff - US Dough Boy 1916-19
080 - G.White - Irish Volunteer Soldier 1913-23
081 - D.Hollins - Hungarian Hussar 1756-1815
082 - R.Hargis - US Submarine Crewman 1941-45
083 - I.Castle - British Infantryman in South Africa 1877-81
084 - S.Turnbull - Mongol Warrior 1200-1350
085 - G.Zaboly - American Colonial Ranger - The Northern Colonies 1724-64
086 - I.Knight - Boer Commando 1876-1902
087 - A.L.Pirocchi - Italian Arditi
088 - I.M.McCulloch - British Light Infanfryman of the Seven Years' War
091 - H.Nicholson - Knight Templar 1120-1312
093 - D.Westwood - German Infantryman (3) - Eastern Front 1943-45
094 - R.Brzezinski - Polish Winged Hussar 1576-1775
095 - G.L.Rottman - Japanese Infantryman 1937-1945 - Sword of the Empire
096 - D.Nicolle - Carolingian Cavalryman AD 768-986
097 - T.Crowdy - French Warship Crews 1789-1805
098 - G.L.Rottman - US Army Infantryman in Vietnam 1965-73
100 - G.Fremont-Barnes - Nelson's Sailors
101 - N.Fields - Roman Auxiliary Cavalryman AD 14-193
103 - W.Heckel - Macedonian Warrior - Alexander's Elite Infantrymen
105 - M.Lardas - Native American Mounted Rifleman 1861-65
106 - R.S.Lowry - US Marine in Iraq - Operation Iragi Freedom, 2003
110 - D.K.Yelton - Hitler's Home Guard - Volkssturmmann. Western front 1944-45