kali ini dibahas mengenai mortir pasukan infantry. Mortir kecil bisa
dibawa (oleh 3 orang), mampu memberikan dukungan artileri yang cukup
besar dari tempat yang terlindungi (karena sudut tembakannya besar).
Dibahas perkembangannya dari perang dunia I (saat perang parit) sampai
pemakaian penuh selama perang dunia II dan seterusnya.
John Norris, Infantry Mortars of World War II (New Vanguard 054)
Osprey Publishing | ISBN 9781841764146 | December 11 2002 | PDF | 48
pages | 22,30 Mb
"The mortar has proved to be one of the most influential and prevalent
infantry support weapons of the 20th century. Throughout the course of
World War II many different varieties of this weapon were used by the
six main armies of the war: Britain, the USA, the Soviet Union,
Germany Italy and Japan. Although the concept of the mortar was
similar throughout these armies, calibres and usage varied enormously,
dependent upon tactical use and terrain. This title covers all
variants from the British 3-in.-equipped 'Heavy Weapon Companies',
through to the Soviet12cm mortars, which were incorporated into the
Tank Corps for the storming of Berlin in 1945."
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