Selasa, 20 April 2010

ebook militer - World War II German Police Units

Well .. just in case pengen tauk seragam polisi jerman jaman perang dunia ke-2.
Kalo nonton Valkeryie.. ini pasukan polisi jerman yg menjaga keamanan
kota Berlin selama perang.
Juga bahu membahu bersama pasukan rakyat selama keruntuhan hitler.

Gordon Williamson, World War II German Police Units (Men at Arms 434)
Osprey Publishing | ISBN 9781846030680 | September 6 2006 | PDF | 48
pages | 9,50 Mb

The German Police were an essential arm of the Nazi regime; as soon as
Hitler achieved power the previous decentralized provincial system was
unified into a single state apparatus, integrated at the command
levels with the SS. While it may have been centrally controlled, it
was still separated into a bewildering range of different departments
and functions, many with their own uniform distinctions. This book
offers a concise introduction to the organization, responsibilities,
uniforms and insignia of the various branches of this machinery of
repression, from Police generals to rural constables, transport
policemen and factory watchmen.

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