Senin, 24 Mei 2010

The P.Z.L. P-11


PZL P11. Pesawat tempur PD I milik Polandia selama perang dunia I. Benernya Polandia termasuk negara yg disegani secara militer sebelum PD II, tapi kenapa abis PD II jadi memble.. kemungkinan karena lokasinya antara Soviet dan Jerman. yach.

Witold Liss - The P.Z.L. P-11
Profile Publications | 1966 | ASIN: B0007K11II | 12 pages | PDF | 4.2 MB
Aircraft Profile Number 75

Each booklet in this series includes general history, specifications, technical data, photographs & colour profiles of the featured aircraft.

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